기타 개발

jqgrid Export to CSV + Spring CSV

풍풍 2015. 9. 8. 11:24



.jqGrid('navGrid', '#pager', {

add: false,

edit: false,

del: false,

search: false,

refresh: false


.jqGrid( 'navButtonAdd', "#pager", {

caption : "Export to CSV",

buttonicon : "ui-icon-arrowthickstop-1-s",

onClickButton : function() {



position : "first",

title : "Export to CSV",




public ResponseEntity<String> csvAsList(Locale locale, AsVO asVo,

@RequestParam Map<String, String> map) throws Exception {

Comm.jqgridSearchFormSetVO(map.get("filters"), asVo);

List<AsVO> excelList = asService.excelList(asVo); // DB에서 가져온 데이터리스트

String data = new DataToCSV().as(excelList);

HttpHeaders header = new HttpHeaders();

header.add("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + "as.csv" + "\"");

header.add("Content-Type", "text/csv; charset=MS949");

return new ResponseEntity<String>(data, header, HttpStatus.OK);


servlet-context.xml - UTF-8 프로젝트라서 예외처리용

<beans:bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter">

<beans:property name="messageConverters">


<beans:bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.StringHttpMessageConverter">

<beans:property name="supportedMediaTypes">





